Deploying your blog

Using a WSGI app

At this point you should have a Mercurial repository with your blog ready to be deployed.

Copy it to your remote server as usual. e.g. using ssh:

$ hg clone my_blohg ssh://user@yourdomain.tld/path/to/my_blohg/

Supposing that your Mercurial repository is my_blohg.

Don’t forget to add the remote path to your local my_blohg/.hg/hgrc [paths] section.

The blohg deployment process is similar to any other Flask-powered application. Take a look at the Flask deployment documentation:

To create your Flask app object, use the following code:

from blohg import create_app
application = create_app('/path/to/my_blohg')

There’s a sample blohg.wsgi file (for Apache mod_wsgi) available here:

Using static pages

You can use the freeze command to generate a static version of your blog. This will create a build directory with the content of your blog as static pages. This way, you can put those pages (via ftp, rsync, hg, ...) on a static hosting provider.


This option will serve your generated pages as a local web server. This can be used to check that all links works fine, or that all content has been generated.


This option will generate your post as html files rather than as directories containing a index.html file.


This command uses Frozen-Flask as underlying generator. The configuration parameters from Frozen-Flask are also efective for this command, just put them inside blohg’s configuration file. One worth mentionning is FREEZER_BASE_URL, as it indicates which base url to put in front of the external links, like is used for all the attachments.

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Writing blog pages/posts

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Upgrading blohg

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