Upgrading blohg

From <=0.5.1

blohg 0.6 introduces support to Flask 0.7, that comes with some backwards incompatibilities.

You’ll need to run the flask-07-upgrade.py script inside your blog repository to fix your templates, as described in the Flask documentation:


From <=0.9.2

blohg 0.10 introduces Facebook/Google+ integration using the Open Graph protocol.

See _posts.html, or just add the following content to your base.html template, inside of the <head> and </head> tags:

<!-- begin opengraph header -->
{% block opengraph_header %}{% endblock %}
<!-- end opengraph header -->

blohg 0.10 uses jinja2.Markup to return HTML content from the models, deprecating the usage of the safe filter. You may want to fix your templates:

--- a/templates/posts.html
+++ b/templates/posts.html
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@

 <!-- begin html parsed by docutils -->
 {% if full_content -%}
-    {{ post.full_html|safe }}
+    {{ post.full_html }}
 {% else -%}
-    {{ post.abstract_html|safe }}
+    {{ post.abstract_html }}
 {%- endif %}
 <!-- end html parsed by docutils -->

The directive .. include:: was patched and will just have access to files from the Mercurial repository for now. This change improves the security, avoiding the access of files from the host filesystem, and makes it possible to include files inside the repository. Please remove any calls of this directive that were using files outside the repository.